Pedro Rodrigues
Professor(a), Vice-Reitor
Universidade do Porto
Pedro Rodrigues is the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at the University of Porto since June 2018. He is a Full Professor at the Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute, University of Porto (ICBAS/UP), where he teaches Immunology, Pathology and Parasitology.
In 1996 obtained is Ph.D. from University of Wageningen, The Netherlands. A project carried out at the Department of Cell Biology and Immunology, Animal Sciences, Wageningen. In 1992 concluded his M.Sc. in Immunology from University of Porto, Portugal. Project carried out at the Department of Medical Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Free University of Amsterdam. In 1989 completed is 4-year undergraduate Degree from Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute (ICBAS), University of Porto, Portugal. The final year undergraduate Degree research project was carried out at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Natural Environment Research Council, UK.
Pedro Rodrigues is the Group Leader of the “Iron and Innate Immunity” research group at the Health Research and Innovation Institute (i3S/UP). He is author of over 100 publications and has been involved in a large number of research projects and in the supervision of graduated students. The study of the interaction between the immune system and iron metabolism is his main scientific interest. Understanding the function of genes that play a dual role in iron metabolism and immune response to infection is the goal of his research.